A fast(er) website without a PhD

TL;DR Description :
Realistic ideas of optimizing your (self hosted) WordPress website, without the slide that says move your site to a VPS

Longer Description :
Talk walks through steps I took to optimize a “typical” blog with 30 or so articles and low to medium traffic. The said blog uses a popular paid theme, a bad yet popular site builder and is managed by an end user who isnt a developer.

I would be dividing the talk into 2 sections:

– Optimizations for Everyone [Beginners/Non Developer]
– Optimization for Highly Motivated [Intermediate Techniques]

Topics I would like to cover :

– Understanding why your site is slow (using browser inspector and google pagespeed/web.dev)

– Understanding jargon like TTFB / FOUT / TFFP

– Obvious techniques with practical workflows like
— image optimization (comparison between plugin vs offline tools)
–font optimization
–Optimizing for page builder (taking elementor as an example)

– Understanding what cPanel lingo means and what to do about them
— IO Limit
— Input Processes
— INODE Limit etc

– Caching plugin walk through [if I can time it in then W3TC or else WP Super Cache]

– My case study of VPS vs Shared Hosting performance
(hosting the same site on shared host and a vultr vps and performing some stress tests)


WordCamp Pune 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!