What happened to WordCamp Pune 2016?

Last time we hosted a WordCamp in Pune, we did it in September. We realised how unpleasant the weather was then. In 2016, we started planning for November for this reason. Our venue options are limited and we weren’t particularly happy with the last one.

So, when we couldn’t organise a venue till mid-September, we had two choices. We could either organise a WordCamp in a rush and in less than optimal preparation time or we could postpone it.

Speaking to various venue options, we decided to postpone it to January. (Now you know why there wasn’t a WordCamp Pune 2016. This is the WordCamp Pune 2016, technically.)

So, now our venue is finalised and hence our date. Mark 15th January 2017 on your calendars and follow us in any of the ways listed in the sidebar.

Just like the last time, we are going to experiment a lot. Some good ideas that didn’t work out the last time, we’re going to retry. We’ll try some new ideas too. Also, like the last time, we’re going to borrow and fork ideas from WordCamps the world over. So, watch this space!

WordCamp Pune is over. Check out the next edition!