The best way for other attendees to recognise you and do a little background research on you is by looking at your profile on the Who’s Attending page. It let’s them view your twitter handle, website, your role with WordPress and whether you’d attend the after party (party icon).
This way, other attendees can seek you out and maybe together you could come up with something interesting. Although, we have other ways of fostering networking (The Buddy Program and The Selfie Hunt), this is the best way to find potential business contacts. So, if you’re looking for a developer or a designer to speak to, the attendees list is a good place to find them at WordCamp Pune.
However, how does one recognise you, if the photo looks like this:
Get a Gravatar
The photo is picked automatically from your email address, if it is registered at All you have to do is, add the email address that you bought the ticket with to your existing gravatar profile.
If you don’t have a gravatar profile, create one. You can add all your email addresses and even have different photos for different emails. Here’s a little article on why to use gravatars.
In addition to the WordCamp Pune website, a gravatar is useful on any WordPress site in the world, Disqus, GitHub and Stack Overflow, among others. Even slack uses gravatar.
The reverse is also true. If you’d rather be left alone, let the wavatars be (the weird silly cartoonish icons that look nothing like you!) and no one will recognise you!