Raghavendra Peri is blind but he will help you see the merits of accessibility

Raghavendra Peri is someone who works on accessibility day in and day out. His opinions on accessibility are all the more important since it comes from his own experience. Which is why he’s the most appropriate person to conduct An Experiential Workshop on Accessibility with WordPress. You can experience websites the way a lot of people do and see why it’s awesome when websites are accessible, first hand!

Raghavendra is a Digital Accessibility Consultant at Deque
Systems. He is also a Digital Marketing Strategist, Speaker, and
Blogger & Entrepreneur. At the age of 8, he was diagnosed with a
degenerative eye condition called Retinitis pigmentosa that rendered
him totally blind at the age of 26. But that did not stop him from
pursuing his dreams. He keeps himself actively involved in the
technology space & uses various assistive technologies in his day to
day life.

He loves travelling, listening to audio books, partying, socializing,
trekking, running and giving motivational talks at schools & colleges,
apart from his day today work.

He is currently pursuing his bucket list of 101 things to do before I die

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