Drinking Responsibly, the most precious drink on earth

At an event like this, hundreds of people drink water from disposable plastic bottles or plastic/ paper tumblers raising the environmental cost of such a simple social event.

Which is why, at WordCamp Pune, we have tried to do away with it without losing any practical convenience.

The culture of reuse


We have procured packaged drinking water in large reusable containers, that’ll be placed all over the venue along with reusable dispensers.

The containers go back to the bottling plant where they are sterilised and water is refilled for distribution. This means we do away with small prepackaged water bottles that could end up anywhere since we don’t have enough control on that.

If each of us has a bottle that they can refill whenever they want to, we do away with the plastic/ paper tumblers.

Courtesy of our WordCamp Superb Bluehost, we’ll each have a re-usable metal sipper/bottle that’s about 500ml in capacity. Metallic with plastic cap and straw, we feel these are quite good looking and handy. Now, we’ll be able to reuse almost everything and produce almost zero garbage from the act of drinking water.

It’s also swag!

Here, have a look. And, thanks Bluehost!


3 thoughts on “Drinking Responsibly, the most precious drink on earth”

  1. It is a wonderful idea. Conserves resources. Grateful to organisers ans sponsors> Wish every even has such initiatives

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