The Wordex Conference Part II is another preview of the WordCamp


We had the Wordex Conference I last week and it was amazing. We got two speakers, Priyanka Goyal and Jitesh Patil for the WordCamp from it.

This Saturday we are hosting the second part and have yet another line-up of interesting WordPress related sessions from probable and confirmed speakers of WordCamp Pune. We’ll also be joined by Praveen Selvasekaran of WooThemes via teleconferencing from Bangalore. More details are on the Meetup page and the lineup is as follows:

Creating passionate customers through Great WordPress Support Praveen Selvasekaran
Content Creation and Promotion in 2015 and Beyond Priya Florence Shah
Theme Development Best Practices and QA Nisha Singh
WordPress is not PHP Rahul Bansal
WordPress for HR Amrit Israni

Speaker applications are now closed, but not lightning talks

We’ve had a great response to the call for speakers and we aren’t accepting any more of them. However, we are still accepting entries for product showcases for developers and blog showcases for bloggers.

Photo Credit: Hang This Sign on Your Academic Journals by Alan Levine is licensed under CC BY 2.0

What we already did while waiting for WordCamp Pune 2015

We’re so excited about WordCamp Pune this year, as we hope you are too. Even though WordCamp Pune is just for a day on Spetember 6th, 2015, the local meetup group that’s organising this edition has a whole line up of events leading up to right the day before the WordCamp. We’ll share the details of upcoming activities as we progress but we just wanted to share what we have been doing till now.

27th June: WordPress Contributor’s Day


Although the attendance wasn’t very high and we didn’t manage a lot of contributions at the end of the day, Joshua Abenazer from 10up enlightened all of us to various ways of contributing to the WordPress project.

With the questions and answers taking up most of the time, we only managed to add a couple of translations. However, we plan to build upon Joshua’s good work and add more to the project in the near future.

4th July: Automated Theme Development (in Marathi) by Sagar Jadhav


A short, crisp but still filled with knowledge, Sagar‘s session was well appreciated and we had enough time for an encore and another! The first round was a demo and convinced us to have him as a speaker for the WordCamp. He got to rehearse twice thanks to the late comers! 😉

4th July: How to Speak at a WordCamp (in Hindi & English) by Saurabh Shukla


Breaking it’s own KISS rule, this three hour long interactive session cum workshop discussed audience dynamics, presentation delivery skills, zeroing on a topic and preparing an effective presentation. Saurabh was a communication coach in a past life who trained corporates at their presentation skills. He’s also spoken at three WordCamps and emceed one.

We didn’t have enough time to actually practice and prepare presentations, but hey there’ll be a next time.

11th July: Workshop on Starting with WordPress (in Marathi, Hindi & English) by Amit Singh


Amit is a community veteran, having attended every WordCamp in India, way before WordCamps were cool in India. He also led the last WordCamp Pune. Always eager to help out beginners and evangelise seeekers, Amit held a super interactive workshop.

With able technical support from Gagan Deep Singh and everyone from the participants chipping in every now and then, it was a great experience. Everyone installed and created their own first website(s).

18th July: Wordex Conference – I (because we had to have a name) (in Marathi, Hindi & English)


We had a line up of five local speakers, some of them demonstrating for the speaker selection process, some rehearsing their already selected sessions and some speaking only at the Wordex. A couple of them were first timers and have been selected to speak at WordCamp Pune 2015. You’ll hear about them soon.

We have a Part – II scheduled on Saturday the 25th and may more activities. Watch this space for more!

WordCamp Pune has little siblings

While we get closer to WordCamp Pune 2015, we’re going through the speaker applications. A lot of times we need to experience a demonstration before selecting someone capable of doing justice to your time. Why do it in private, we thought, if the demo itself can be a session?


So, we’ve organised something named a Wordex Conference consisting of demos by applicants and rehearsals by selected speakers. Consider it a miniscule WordCamp like arrangement (If WordCamp is a ship, this one is a boat!). Curated over two weekends, this is a great chance to listen to some great speakers and imbibe a lot of knowledge. This Saturday, the 18th of July, we host the first part with the following sessions:

How to create a helpful business website Jitesh Patil
Importing content from other systems into WordPress and WooCommerce Akshay Raje
FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) Licences Shirish Agarwal
Setting up a blog using WordPress with focus on relevant Keywords and A/B testing for beginners Omprakash Gupta
WordPress JSON API Priyanka Goyal
Will add some more here once confirmed.

More details here:

Photo BIG BOAT, small boat by Kevin Dinkel licensed under CC BY SA 2.0.

A clean green WordCamp Pune reuses, reduces and recycles

Paper paper everywhere

We are the IT guys, in some way or the other. We use blogs instead of diaries, we use emails instead of letters. But we go ahead and print, print, print.

At WordCamp Pune, we feel ashamed and embarassed to use paper like this. That’s why we’ve implemented the following ideas:

  1. No printing and no paper from the organisers except name badges, some banners and probably treasure hunt tickets for participants.
  2. Printed tickets will not be entertained and will be considered invalid. The ticket we mailed to you contains a QR code and an alphanumeric ticket code. You can present either of these at the registration counters. We’ve even given an option of saving the email as a PDF, just in case.
  3. We’ll have recycling stations where you can return all recyclable material including any pamphlets/ inserts that you may have received once you’re done with them.

Why not trash cans for recyclables? Because some things don’t need to go to a factory for recycling. For eg, pamphlets, again. We will return all pamphlets to the respective distributors so they may reuse them.

Disposing the disposables

Great developers write optimised efficient code. No spilling, no wastage. Great bloggers write taut, interesting pieces. No useless rambling, no wastage of words.

So, when we come together, why do we use and throw a plastic/ paper/ styrofoam cup every time we take a sip of water? This is like redeclaring a variable everytime you’re gonna use it or using a comma, randomly, like this, which is,  in, our, view, pointless.

While this infographic is specifically about the US, it highlights a global problem. (Click to view the original version from Steelys Drinkware)

bottleIt’s high time we stopped the lip service and did something about it. At WordCamp Pune 2015, we solve this problem by

  1. Providing every attendee with a sipper bottle that they can refill every now and then from water dispensers placed all over the venue.
  2. Using washable glass/ ceramic for serving tea/ coffee.

अन्नम् परब्रह्मम् स्वरूपम्।।

(Translated from Sanskrit: Grain (food) is a form of the Supreme God.)

A large part of India is malnourished, sometimes by choice but mostly because they can’t afford food. Yet, we waste food like it was garbage. At WordCamp Pune 2015 we take food recycling seriously. We’ll have a Food Recycling Station that’ll recycle leftover food with dignity and send the unrecyclable items (partially-eaten bits, etc) for manure generation.

Packaging, Plastics and Bags, or

Bring your own bags

A lot of waste is generated from wrappers and packaging material that comes with the swag that is distributed at conferences. In addition, many conferences provide polythene bags or synthetic laptop bags that are low in quality and will hardly be used again.

We choose not to do either of those and shift a little more responsibility to you. We request you to get your bags along, to store and take home all the fantastic goodies that we have to offer.

We’ve also asked our vendors to not provide us with any packaging for individual items. We are okay with boxes that store multiple items. We’re hoping that a combination of these will solve our problems concerning plastic and other waste.
clean india

Translated from Hindi: Clean India Movement. One step towards cleanliness.

Your say

Do you think we’ve missed something? Maybe by adding an activity or process we could reduce the environmental impact of WordCamp Pune further. Let us know in the comments.

Photo Credit
Fresh Food In Garbage Can To Illustrate Waste by U.S. Department of Agriculture licensed under CC BY 2.0

Shanta Nathwani’s roots are here and so is WordCamp Pune


Shanta R. Nathwani is a Web Design and Information Architecture Consultant as well as an Instructor in Web Design and CCIT Capstone at Sheridan College, located in Oakville, Ontario, Canada which includes teaching WordPress. The ICCIT program is a joint program with the University of Toronto at Mississauga.

She teaches students and small businesses how to use their websites and social media to increase their online presence leading to increased revenues and improved customer service. She has assisted companies to incorporate social media in the real estate, financial, non-profit, education and technical fields to name a few. She is from Toronto, Ontario, but now lives in Hamilton, Ontario.

Shanta is raising funds for an international WordCamp tour and Pune is one of the planned pit-stops. We had a quick chat with this prolific WordCamp speaker to get more details of her WordCamp Pune 2015 plans.

Why WordCamp Pune?

I did 7 WordCamps last year and my goal this year was to do 10, one of which had to be out of North America. I missed Mumbai, but it’s close enough that I can still see relatives.

Shanta in IndiaWhat do you plan to do at WordCamp Pune once you get there?

I’ve never actually been to Pune, so I want to see the city! My parents have been, but I haven’t. I want to see the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi at the Aga Khan Palace.

(Left: Shanta in India for the first time!)

Anything about India that excites you?

It ALWAYS excites me! I’ve been to India a number of times, but mostly to Mumbai. I’ve seen the Taj Mahal and much more when I was a child. I spent 2 months there while studying for my Microsoft certification. I’ve always wanted to return.

Do you have a message for our community?

I believe in giving back to the community, regardless of the size. We are fortunate enough that the WordPress community is worldwide. I have given back to my hometowns, to the larger WordPress community in my backyard (being the United States), now I want to give back to the world. My father grew up in India, so this is my way of honouring where I came from in some small way.

We’d love to have Shanta at WordCamp Pune and hope that more people, including you, contribute to her campaign on The best of luck from all of us here in Pune Shanta; for this and the other WordCamps that you plan to attend.

Help Shanta come to WordCamp Pune

Topher येतोय पुण्याला

Translated from Marathi: Topher is coming to Pune


His full name is Christopher DeRosia; Topher comes from the second half of Christopher. Topher started building web sites with plain html on a VAX VMS system in 1994, and then when PHP/FI came out he started working with that. He built web sites using plain PHP/MySQL until 2010 when WordPress 3.0 came out with Custom Post Types. That changed everything and he hasn’t really built with anything since.He’s been a freelancer, the CTO of a Startup, a super hero with X-Team, and now works documenting Easy Digital Downloads.

He’s married, has 2 teen daughters and two cute little dogs. He lives in the small city of Grand Rapids MI, where it rarely gets above 30C, but occasionally gets below -30C. It’s a very snowy world in the winter.

Here’s an old but interesting list of 25 random things about him.

The Indian WordPress community has had a long relationship with Topher via the HeroPress project with a couple of members like Ramya Pandyan, Aditya Kane having contributed to it. We spoke with Topher to find out more about his WordCamp Pune 2015 plans and this is what he had to say.

Why WordCamp Pune?

I’ve always wanted to visit India. In my youth my imagination was captured by books, and as I grew older and met people FROM India my interest only grew. When HeroPress started I wanted VERY much to go to WordCamp Mumbai, but it didn’t work out. Now having WordCamp Pune so soon after seems like a gift.

What do you plan to do at WordCamp Pune once you get there?

Shake hands with every single person I can. I want to talk to everyone, do everything, and take part in everything.

Anything about India that excites you?

Being in a really different culture. Aside from Canada (which doesn’t really count as different from America) I haven’t traveled internationally before. So it’s all exciting.

We know you’re raising funds to come down to Pune. Anything you’d like to say to potential sponsors?

I couldn’t do this without you. Again, the opportunity to be able to travel to visit people I’ve worked with seems like a gift. I never imagined I could do this.

How optimistic are you? And why?

Quite actually. Since starting HeroPress I haven’t gotten a single bit of negative pushback, and LOTS of positive reinforcement. Many many people have privately said to me “I love what you’re doing, you need to keep it going”.

Also, before I started fund raising I asked around in some Slack chat rooms if people thought it was a good idea, and got an overwhelming YES.

Do you have a message for our community?

You are special and unique, and have an enormous amount of experience and wisdom to teach the rest of the world. Please communicate with us as much as you can, via blog posts, visiting and speaking at WordCamps, podcasts, etc. “The periphery” of the WordPress community is a social construct, one that can be changed by anyone who wishes to change it.

Topher’s funding campaign on has been a great success. and is very close to becoming successful. Chances is it’d have succeeded by the time you read this. He’s received the backing of some prominent personalities from the ecosystem including our own Umesh Singla, Alexander Gounder, Harshad Mane, rtCamp and even the Matt Mullenweg, himself!
You can still donate to Topher so he can pass it on to another deserving WordCamp, or you could help another guest of ours who needs your support to come all the way from Canada.

Support Topher’s trip to WordCamp Pune

WordCamp Pune 2015 Photography Contest

nikon-698689_640 (1)

As easy as

  1. See something interesting at WordCamp Pune 2015.
  2. Point your camera at it.
  3. Click a photograph.
  4. Upload it to your favourite social network*.
  5. Tag it #WCPune #PhotoContest.
  6. Wait for the results.

Everyone and every camera is welcome

It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or an amateur, a novice or an expert, an official volunteer photographer or a regular attendee. Everyone is welcome!
It also doesn’t matter if you shoot with a phone or a high end DSLR. The quality or resolution of the photo is not important. What’s important is how interesting your photo is!

And who decides that? Our awesome panel of judges who’ll pick the most interesting pics from the lot.


Wait till the WordCamp is just around the corner and we’ll tell you! It will be just something nominal but isn’t winning half the fun! 😉

* Any one of Flickr, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Sneak Peek into the schedule of WordCamp Pune 2015

Were you wondering what would the schedule for WordCamp Pune 2015 look like? We have a sneak peek for you, way before the actual sessions and their schedule is announced.

Note that this is just a representation. In the actual schedule, there’ll be at least three tracks and a Session Overflow. Also two sessions of 20 mins each with a 10 min break will make a 50 minute session. With three sessions and two breaks combined, for 1 hour 20 mins are the workshops.

(All green areas represent Sessions and the gray ones represent breaks)

09:00:00 am 3 Tracks + Session Overflow
10:10:00 am
Registration, Breakfast,
Networking & Treasure Hunt
10:30:00 am
Opening Ceremony
10:40:00 am Break
11:00:00 am
11:10:00 am
11:30:00 am
11:40:00 am
12:00:00 pm
01:00:00 pm
Lunch & Networking
01:20:00 pm
01:30:00 pm
01:50:00 pm
02:00:00 pm
02:20:00 pm
02:30:00 pm
02:50:00 pm
03:10:00 pm
Tea Break
03:30:00 pm
03:40:00 pm
04:00:00 pm
04:10:00 pm
04:30:00 pm
05:00:00 pm
Tea Break
05:20:00 pm
05:30:00 pm
06:15:00 pm
Open House & QnA
06:30:00 pm
Vote of Thanks/ Closing Ceremony
07:00:00 pm
Commute to After Party
After Party

Can you connect us to Non-Profits/ NGOs?

Hey proud supporters of WordCamp Pune 2015, we need your help with a couple of things. Even if you don’t know anyone, it’d be great if you could spread the word around.

Complimentary Tickets for the Underprivileged


A couple of speakers and sponsors have given up their complimentary tickets and asked us to give them away. That’s why we’re asking you to connect us with an NGO or Non-Profit that works with underprivileged or differently abled teenagers, youth or women who could benefit from this WordCamp.

We might end up having about 10 odd free tickets. Remember that we have a lot of sessions in Hindi and Marathi, so there won’t be a language barrier. Drop us a line, if you know any such group.

Free Websites for NGOs/ Non-Profits


Second, we are working on a workshop cum buildathon that would build powerful and professional websites for some NGOs/ Non-Profits, for free. We would be building about 10 websites or so. If you know of any organisation that deserves a free website, please get in touch with us.

Photo Credits

WordCamp Pune 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!