- A lightning talks is brief (5 minutes) which requires the speaker to make his or her point clearly and rid the presentation of non-critical information. This causes the audience to be more attentive to the speaker and gain a broader array of knowledge from the presentations given. It’s like Youtube vs full length movies! (src)
- Lightning talks originated and evolved in the tech world. They are also known as Data Blitz, at times! Makes sense you should so one at WordCamp.
- Delivery is considered more important than content of a lightning talk. (src)
- It is a well known antidote to Death by PowerPoint.
- At many conferences, lightning talks are the second most popular presentation type, after the keynote presentation. (src is also a great article)
- It’s a great format to showcase your website, blog, plugin or theme that you curate with love and form meaningful connections with interested readers and users.
- It’s a great way to start for first time speakers because it doesn’t require a lot of formal preparation except practice, practice and practice!
- It is especially great for first time speakers of WordCamp Pune because yyou don’t have to think of a “topic”.
- Similar short and fun formats are Ignite talks and Pecha Kucha. So, you could create crossovers that could be more fun! For eg, you could talk about 20 best posts from your blog in 5 minutes. Maybe next WordCamp! (src)
- Speaker applications are now closed so this is the only way to get a slot officially!
If you are convinced, why not apply now, bloggers and developers?
Those who have already applied, please have a little more patience, we’ll get to your applications very very soon! 🙂